I’ve always loved the idea of what new year stands for . . . .

Closing the book on one year, thinking up a couple of resolutions, and come the 1st January, starting a fresh. 

New year. New us.

But then, a couple of days in, I forget about said resolutions and beat myself up for failing to commit to them. Sound Familiar?

This year, I found myself reflecting on how my life has changed over the last couple of years. Not because of resolutions I had set, but because I had dreams that I was desperate to start making a reality. When I say desperate, I mean painstakingly desperate.

So, for 2020, I decided to fast forward 12 months. What did I want my year to look like?

I didn’t want to set resolutions. We’ve already established, that I am rubbish at keeping to them. Plus, they feel too committal to me. For example, you want to get healthy?  Then work out every day, and do not eat chocolate. EVER!!! I am just not the kind of girl that will go Teetotal. I like to fall off the wagon one day, and get back on it the next. It’s all about the journey, and that journey does not have to be perfect.

It doesn’t matter if we take a small step one day, a giant leap the next, and maybe even a tumble backwards once or twice along the way, as long as ultimately, we are moving forward in a way that we choose for ourselves! Heck, it doesn’t even matter if we don’t make the progress we plan to (we all know the curve balls life can throw at us), as long as we know we did everything that we could to try.

This coming year, I thought maybe I could set myself goals. Goals that I will think about every day, putting them at the forefront of my mind, but also goals that I won’t get upset about if I don’t achieve them, or throw in the towel if I have feel like taking a day off.

So, goals it is. Let’s see what we can achieve in 2020. I’m excited!

  1. Travel

  2. Physical Health

  3. Self Love

  4. Win the Morning

  5. Learn Something New

  6. Look after the Planet

  7. Work on the Future

You may notice an 8th goal here. That’s because, well, 2020 has just been a bit different so far hasn’t it. Also meet my puppy dog, Rufus x

You may notice an 8th goal here. That’s because, well, 2020 has just been a bit different so far hasn’t it. Also meet my puppy dog, Rufus x

What are your goals for 2020? How are they going? Let’s work on our goals together! Tell me in the comments below.

Be kind and follow your dreams,

Love, Hannah



